[ux_banner height=”444px” bg=”68″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.27)”]



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[ux_countdown size=”300″ bg_color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09)”]



[col span=”4″]

[title style=”center” text=”Primary Color”]

[ux_countdown size=”198″ color=”primary” day=”30″ time=”24:00″]

[col span=”4″]

[title style=”center” text=”Dark Color”]

[ux_countdown day=”30″ time=”24:00″]

[col span=”4″]

[title style=”center” text=”Light Color”]

[ux_countdown size=”200%” color=”light” day=”30″ time=”24:00″]




[ux_banner height=”600px” bg=”68″]

[text_box text_color=”dark” width=”40″ width__sm=”60″ animate=”fadeIn” position_x=”10″]

A Countdown Inside A Banner

[ux_countdown day=”30″ time=”24:00″]



[col span=”6″ align=”center”]

[title style=”center” text=”Countdown as text”]

[ux_countdown style=”text” size=”91″ day=”30″ time=”24:00″]

[col span=”6″]

[title style=”center” text=”Countdown as Clock”]

[ux_countdown color=”primary” day=”30″ time=”24:00″]



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